"Your Beard Is Getting Grayer"

“Your Beard Is Getting Grayer”

Yesterday those words were some of the best words that I have heard in a long time. Those words were followed up with, “ It's interesting how our bodies change so quickly.” I could have taken those words negatively, but they were true. Those words were said by someone who is currently going through the same changes I am. 

I was blessed to hear those words yesterday. It made me think on my way to teach class, “Boy, my body is changing and my beard is getting gray. If I want that body to even remotely do what it was doing just last year I need to try harder than I did last year. I realized that if I want to stay mobile, strong, and positive that I am going to have to try hard as hell! It has not been easy the last few years. Matter of fact it’s gotten harder each day the last few years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in a lot better place physically, mentally and health-wise than when I was 28. Recovery takes a little longer and time is harder to come by. That’s ok. I'll try anyway.

In light of work, as we age we are supposed to slow it down, enjoy life, do the things that we have not done because we were working so hard.  Ironically, when it comes to our physical, mental and overall health we almost have to do the opposite. Each day our mindset has to be that time is rare, and it’s not always on our side. So how do we make the best of each moment and how do we use them? 

On Saturday I was watching my son, who has been a big driver of my life, just getting stronger lifting the 105 dumbbells with me. It made me so proud! It also made me proud that I could do it with him. I understand that someday my capabilities may limit me but until then I have decided to fight and remember each day is an opportunity. 

The day will come when that opportunity will be out of my hands. Sooner than I am ready. I have heard these words so many times, “Time always wins”. So I ask myself today and remind myself every day to look at the reasons I want time to slow down, and know they also have to be the reason to get up, to smile, to be grateful and positive, and embrace the day- the opportunity. 

Yes, “My Beard Is Getting Grayer”! I am just so grateful for each day that I have to optimize the opportunities and to see it happen. Especially the last 13 years that I have made activity and health as priority. 


Javier Tuel